Thursday, November 29, 2007

The way I see it....

Well, I figured if I can try my hand at writing, I thought why not poetry? It’s not like I’m good at the other one, anyways! So here it is…


Gone are the days when privacy meant solitude,
When joyful celebration was with a multitude.

I laugh at my past,
When I thought humiliation meant my last.

When the only person to hear anything was the guy in the mirror,
My life dragged on, fearing even a small error.

When tears meant shame, and publicity meant fame,
I cannot afford to lose- my life is no game!

One day, under the sun- hot and blinding,
On the dusty road-long and winding,

Rode an angel and the air was no longer stale,
Wait a minute! Is this a fairy tale?

She approached me as gentle as a breeze,
And suddenly I could hear everything-men, animals and trees!

They had been talking to me all this while,
I never listened; nor returned their smile.

In an instant realization dawned,
From the ruins of the old, a new life spawned.

I now have my privacy even as a part of the Whole,
And I party all night without the knowledge of another soul.

I laugh at myself more often than They do,
And why not- I see myself more than They do!

I shout my mind to the wide world,
And to annoyed by-standers I say, “Wait till your life is unfurled”,

I wet anyone who is kind enough to offer a shoulder,
And every time I cry I find myself a shade bolder.

Name and fame- Oh, that helps a lot!
In a world of one-day heroes, I’ll be one more on the trot.

My life is a never-ending game,
Victories and failures-they’re all the same.

I’ll live it fully till I’m finally tired,
But with the satisfaction that till end I fired.

But what if I wake up one night with a scream,
And realize that the angel was a part of my dream?

I’ll sit up and slap myself real hard,
And be disappointed that I just need a reason to be a coward.

When this wonderful life is given to me on a golden platter,
Angels and fairy tales- do they really matter?

- The New Kid on the Blog

1 comment:

nsiyer said...

Hi the new kid on the blog,

Great poetry friend and it held my attention till the end. Very mattter of fact like and absolutely unassuming. Keep on writing nad I shall keep on visiting your blog. I got to know after Lappet visited my blog.
